Revised deadlines in response to covid-19

3 min readMar 20, 2020


This post is written by Sarita, in response to conversations with my Papers Co-Chairs (Juho and Siân), with the Editor team (Andrea, Andrés, Morgan, Sean, Uichin, and Sue), and with the Steering Committee (chaired by Amy). As we’re working to respond to rapidly changing considerations, it’s likely we’ve made some errors or forgotten some details. Please do reach out with feedback, concerns, or questions:

Thank you to the many CSCW community members who thoughtfully weighed in with their experiences, preferences, and insights about how we might move forward right now. We appreciate being able to work with such a supportive community!

Due to covid-19, we have changed the upcoming deadlines for CSCW. TL;DR New submissions and Major Revisions deadline is June 1.

January 2020 Major Revisions
We have extended the date that Major Revisions are due. They are now due June 1, 2020 AoE. Major Revisions are not due April 15, 2020. PCS will reopen by May 15, 2020, for authors to be able to submit their Major Revision documents. PCS will close after the end of June 1, 2020 AoE. Submissions that are accepted to the June 1, 2020 deadline will be given slots to present in the Nov 2020 CSCW conference. Authors will submit Major Revisions here in PCS.

New Submissions
The next deadline for new submissions is now June 1, 2020 AoE, not April 15, 2020. There will be no April 15 deadline. There will be no July 15 deadline. PCS will open by May 15 for the June 1 deadline. Authors will submit papers will submit here in PCS.

If you would like to make a new submission to CSCW, you can and must do so by June 1, 2020. We will create a stopgap Major Revision cycle for the new June 1 submissions. Major Revisions in this stopgap cycle will be due late August/early September. That deadline is for June 1 Major Revisions only, it will not take new submissions. As of what we know now, your next opportunity after June 1 to make a new submission to CSCW would be Oct 15, 2020.

Review Process
The reviewing process (for Editors, ACs, and reviewers) will continue as it otherwise would have, but now starting June 2 rather than April 16. The review process for both new submissions and Major Revisions will again be largely in parallel, as in prior cycles. For June 1 new submissions and Major Revisions, we intend for decisions to be returned 8–10 weeks later, as we’ve done the past two rounds. The Major Revision submissions would then be due 3–4 weeks after that, roughly late August to early September. We will update our internal timeline and our Guide for Editors and ACs with new deadlines soon.

Please note that, depending on the status of the world by June, we may implement a modified review process. We will make this decision when submissions close on June 1 based on our assessment of the CSCW community, the status of covid-19, and the number of submissions we receive. We will do our best to continue to provide a thoughtful and conscientious review process.

Journal Issue
As of now, accepted papers in the June cycle will be published in the next issue of PACM HCI. Both the April 15 and July 15 acceptances would have been published in this same issue.

Presenting at the CSCW Conference
Papers that are accepted during the June 1 cycle will be invited to present at the Nov 2020 conference. Papers that are submitted to the June 1 cycle, receive a Major Revision decision, and then are accepted during the subsequent cycle (which is a stopgap cycle in which Major Revisions are due in late August/early September and decisions returned 8–10 weeks later) will not be invited to present at the Nov 2020 conference. They will be invited to present at the Nov 2021 conference.

Questions or Concerns?
As always, email Papers Chairs if you have questions. Thank you!




ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work.